Since 1986, Reasons to Believe has participated in advancing Christ’s kingdom by demonstrating, through science and reason, the trustworthiness of God’s Word. Because God has revealed himself in creation and in the written Word, neither the facts of nature nor sound reason present barriers to faith. In fact, they provide a compelling case for faith in the God of the Bible. God’s two “books,” his general revelation in the world of nature and his special revelation in the words of the Bible and in the person of Jesus, are and always will be consistent.
Our mission is twofold: We interact with non-Christians via all available media to provide whatever evidence or clarification they may need to help them on their journey to faith, and we equip Christians to be active and effective in sharing their faith. In the process, we also help Christians whose growth and witness have been stifled by doubt and/or perceived conflict between God’s two revelations. Too many people have been lost from the church or from the frontiers of scientific advance due to misperception of the truth. In the power of the Holy Spirit, our aim is to move people, especially those who are STEMM (science, technology, engineering, math, medicine) trained or influenced, toward faith in Jesus, and to prepare Christians to take a more active role in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16–20).
Our scholars meet directly or via technology with audiences around the world—in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, Latin America, the Middle East—wherever scientific expertise opens partly or fully closed doors to the gospel. While STEMM-trained internationals tend to have some fluency in English, many find spiritual concepts more easily grasped and shared in their native language. We increasingly receive requests for the translation of our faith-building books, videos, articles, and blogs into various languages is growing. So, we aim to greatly expand our offering of translated resources in the days ahead.
There are Christians who hold positions in STEMM research and teaching positions at secular institutions, yet they tend to see themselves as alone in their Christian convictions. Given widespread public perception of “church people” as anti-science or anti-intellectual, some of these Christians have kept quiet about their personal faith. Few have much exposure to or experience in science-faith dialogue. Many feel unprepared to face challenges for which they lack an effective response. Thus, one of our primary aims is to build up a community of Christian scholars working in research and academia, men and women ready to engage in spiritually significant conversation with peers and eager to encourage and support each other in their faith journey. Our dream is to see this Scholar Community grow so that Christians gain a more audible voice in research and academia, where young lives are shaped and moral-ethical decisions are made that affect the future of all.
When asked about their career aspirations, approximately half of all young people involved in church groups say they’re hoping to work in STEMM. However, fewer than one in ten student ministry leaders and even fewer pastors in Christian churches today have any significant background—or even much interest—in STEMM. This disconnect often suggests to students that they must choose between participation in Christian discipleship and pursuit of their STEMM interests. This disconnect also discourages STEMM professionals from church participation. So, Christian students have few role models and mentors in their churches with whom to relate. Our mission is to provide STEMM education and appreciation to current and future pastors and church leaders. To this end we’ve developed undergraduate courses for Christian universities and graduate-level courses and degree programs for seminary and divinity school students. One of our major aims is to increase the number of institutions where these courses are offered so that science is no longer an ignored or undervalued topic within the Christian community.
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