Expose biblical truth in a broken world

In a world filled with division, one thing remains intact: the timeless wisdom and truth of the
Bible. But if people write off God’s Word because they don’t understand how it connects with
his creation, they won’t be transformed by the authority of Scripture.

We yearn to see people around the world and in all walks of life come to know the Creator as Lord and Savior. This is the vision we want to see fulfilled and we won’t stop until it's been achieved.

Will you join us in God’s work through RTB?

To help us accomplish the vision, our goal this month is to raise $1,260,000. We’re thrilled to announce that we’ve reached our $500,000 matching gift goal, thanks to generous donors like you! But our work doesn’t stop here. We still have some grounds to cover to reach our goal, and every additional contribution matters. Thank you for your continued support.

No matter the size of your gift, we’re confident God will use it for ministry multiplication.

Your support will fuel:

  • Our ability to produce credible research that proves the reliability of Scripture.
  • Equipping and discipling our community of scholars who are eager to offer their expertise to help open more people’s hearts to the gospel.
  • Making our experts’ research available in every format: books, blogs, e-books, podcasts, videos, and events. These resources incur significant costs but generate life-impacting ministry.
  • Our ability to broaden our reach and equip the nonscientific Christian. This group needs accessible science-and-faith resources to reinforce their faith and confidently share it with others.

Will you give your gift now to expose biblical truth in a divided world?

Together, we’ll establish change that will extend beyond our lifetime and we’ll declare how God
alone deserves the glory!

In appreciation for your gift this month, we would like to send you our latest resource.

Gift Amount:

To donate to RTB Canada, please call our Ministry Care team at (855) 732-7667 to give your gift over the phone. Thank you!

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© Reasons to Believe