Gain a powerful new perspective as you discover the facts behind the crucifixion.

Get your copy of The Crucifixion of Jesus as a thank-you for your gift of any amount. This compelling book by medical doctor, author, and RTB Scholar Community member Joseph Bergeron, MD, skillfully walks the reader through: 

  • prophecies about the Messiah and his death
  • the social construct that set the stage for Jesus’s execution
  • the historical use of crucifixion
  • medical insight on what the victims experienced
  • common hypotheses used to explain away the resurrection
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    About Reasons to Believe

    Revealing God in Science

    Founded in 1986 by astrophysicist Hugh Ross, Reasons to Believe is an international, nonprofit apologetics ministry that spreads the Christian gospel by demonstrating that sound reason and scientific research—including the very latest discoveries—consistently support, rather than erode, confidence in the truth of the Bible and faith in the personal, transcendent God revealed in both Scripture and nature. Staff scholars include two astrophysicists, a biochemist, a philosopher-theologian, and a philosopher-ethicist.

    © Reasons to Believe