Lights in the Sky and Little Green Men

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Lights in the Sky and Little Green Men presents a unique look at UFOs and extraterrestrials. Working from a rational Christian worldview, authors Hugh Ross, Kenneth Samples, and Mark Clark search for truth to answers about extraterrestrial life, conspiracy theories, cult groups, alien encounters, and more. With their extensive scientific background and knowledge of the Bible, they approach the many questions that surround this enigmatic topic, including:

  • >Does documentation exist for UFO sightings and landings?
  • Has the government been involved in UFOs and extraterrestrial phenomena?
  • Is there a relationship between UFO sightings and demonology?

With training and experience in the appropriate disciplines, Hugh, Kenneth, and Mark augment scientific and historical analysis with truths from the Bible to provide a balanced look at a controversial subject.

  • >Does documentation exist for UFO sightings and landings?
  • Has the government been involved in UFOs and extraterrestrial phenomena?
  • Is there a relationship between UFO sightings and demonology?

With training and experience in the appropriate disciplines, Hugh, Kenneth, and Mark augment scientific and historical analysis with truths from the Bible to provide a balanced look at a controversial subject.