Christianity Cross-Examined

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In Christianity Cross-Examined, Kenneth R. Samples boldly steps into the courtroom where Christianity is on trial. Going beyond merely presenting a systematic case for the Christian faith, Samples dives into specific accusations against it, from the conventional (If God created everything, then who created God?) to the controversial (Why doesn’t the Bible condemn slavery?).

Decades ago, the toughest challenges Christians faced from skeptics centered around Christianity’s legitimacy.

Times have changed.

We’ve become a global society, with access to a broader range of worldviews. As a result, the challenges have become more complex and even more confrontational. No longer are questioners satisfied with evidence that Christianity is true. They also want to know if it’s relevant and, most importantly . . . if it’s good.

In Christianity Cross-Examined, Kenneth R. Samples boldly steps into the courtroom where Christianity is on trial. Going beyond merely presenting a systematic case for the Christian faith, Samples dives into specific accusations against it, from the conventional (If God created everything, then who created God?) to the controversial (Why doesn’t the Bible condemn slavery?).

Does Christianity stand up under cross-examination? You be the judge.

“Ken Samples addresses 12 of the toughest objections that could be asked of Christianity. Further, he asks each one forcefully, like a skeptic would, often using the challengers’ own words. Can the Christian faith survive such an onslaught in this day of postmodern distrust? Decide for yourself.”

—Gary R. Habermas
Author of The Historical Jesus and The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus